K&S Quick Change Stirrup Buckles have a vertical post made of STAINLESS STEEL as opposed to aluminum. Also notice the locking lugs for added slip resistance.
Quantity / All Metal
1-9 Pair - $11.50
10-49 Pair - $10.25
50+ pair - $6.65
Quantity/Leather Covered
1-9 Pair - $14.50
10-49Pair - $12.00
50+ - $8.00
Sleeve Only
1-9 pair - $10.75
10-49 pair - $8.75
50+ pair -$6.25
Tongue Only
1-9 pair -$8.75
10-49 pair - $7.50
50+ pair - $5.00
Quantity/All Metal
1-9 pair- $12.50
10-49 pair - $10.25
50+ pair - $7.50
Quantity/Leather Covered
1-9 pair - $16.00
10-49 pair - $13.00
50+ pair - $8.50
Quantity / All Metal
1-9 Pair - $13.75
10-49 Pair - $10.75
50+ pair - $7.90
Quantity / Leather
1-9 Pair - $17.75
10-49 Pair - $12.75
50+ pair - $9.50
Quantity / Sleeve Only
1-9 Pair - $10.00
10-49 Pair - $8.00
50+ pair - $5.50
Quantity / Tongue Only
1-9 Pair - $11.50
10-49 Pair - $9.50
50+ pair - $6.00
Quantity / Bio Plastic
1-9 Pair - $16.00
10-49 Pair - $11.50
50+ pair - $9.25
Quantity / Bio Cutter
1-9 Pair - $16.50
0-49 Pair - $12.00
50+ pair - $9.50
Quantity / Sleeve
1-9 Pair - $13.25
10-49 Pair - $9.75
50+ pair - $7.50
Copyright © 2018 K&S Quick Change Stirrup Buckles LLC. - All Rights Reserved.